

Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel is an Congregation of Religious Brothers founded by St. Montfort in early 18th century in France. It soon spread to all the 5 continents and today they are found in 31 countries doing yeomen service to humanity in the form of general, vocational and Specialized Education.

There are 15 Provinces all Over the World

Delhi, India
North-East, India
Hyderabad, India 
Pune, India
Ranchi, India
Trichy, India
Yercaud, India
Malaysia -Singapore

The Indian sector started functioning in 1903 and today after 100 years there are 7 Provinces. They work in 159 educational, social and cultural establishments throughout the country. The activities of the Brothers in India are as multifarious as the needs of the country. They are found in schools, technical institutions and colleges of higher learning, in educational and pedagogical research in the special education and rehabilitation of the blind and deaf, in caring for the orphans and street children, in youth organization, in the sports field, in the urban slums and remote tribal villages and in movements of civil rights and communal amity.

About Hyderabad Province

The Provinces of Hyderabad was inaugurated on March 25, 2007 at Little Flower High School, Hyderabad in the presence of Archbishops Marampudi Joji of Hyderabad and Abraham of Nagpur, Bro. Rene Delorme, Superior General, Bro. Jose Thottiyil, Vicar General, Bro. John Kallarackal, Asst. General and Bro. Varghese Theckanath, the outgoing Provincial Superior, the two new Provincial Superiors, their Councillors, and a large number of Brothers and friends.

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