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Montfort Tech.Trg.Centre, Ballarshah

Montfort Tech.Trg.Centre, Ballarshan

History of the Institute:-

Brothers of St. Gabriel Educational Society’s Montfort Industrial Training Centre is based in Ballarpur in Chandrapur District in Maharashtra. Since 1981 we have been imparting technical education to the marginalized youth of rural and the tribal communities in Chandrapur and Gadchiroli districts region. Montfort Industrial Training Centre, Ballarpur is permanently affiliated to NCVT. The goal of the Montfort ITI, managed by the Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel is to reach the unreached youth and train them in technical courses like Fitter, Electrician, Motor Mechanic, Welder & Carpentry among others coupled with providing formal secondary and sr.secondary certificate through association with NIOS, a Govt. of India undertaking. The courses with qualified instructors at the helm are practical in orientation and also have linkage with actual production process. Most of the students, nearly 80% get employment in the industrial sector immediately, and a few even, especially in carpentry and welding, manage to start their own enterprises.

Montfort Industrial Training Centre Ballarpur, which started as a small ITC in the year 1981 today is a premier institution for education and vocational training. What cuts Montfort ITC apart from other institutions is its financial self-sufficiency. This unique feat has been achieved with the Factory-school training as an integral part of Industrial Training.

We are providing the vocational courses in one of the most marginalized regions of Maharashtra with increasing unemployment and unrest resulting in large scale migration and sometimes indulgence in unlawful activities that has become the face of change for the youth in the region. In addition, the total irrelevance of the present formal education system in finding viable livelihood options has certainly made life frustrating and testing. Thus the vocational course given is free of cost or with the nominal fees to the needy youth has opened the doors to opportunities that have remained elusive, and has definitely contributed in changing the economic status of the youth and their families. That many of them have to migrate in search of employment given the low industrial opportunities in Chandrapur region have uprooted them from their communities and soil of security is a factor that would need further strategic consideration (Migration for better exposure and helping them to equip to face life). Does this fit into the vision of the Montfort ITC in developing the socio-cultural-economic-political development of the region? A complex question which needs critical examination and creative solutions.

Montfort Industrial Training Centre, Ballarpur has a fully equipped vocational training centre for boys with the trades; Carpenter, Welder, Fitter, Electrician, 4-Wheeler and 2-Wheeler Mechanic, Beauty Culture & Printing for girls.

In the year 2010 Montfort Industrial Training Institute has been regigstered as Vocational Training Provider (VTP) with the aim to focus on insertion of young boys & girls between the age of 14-20 years who are school dropout and have not completed their standard X th and XII th to acquire vocational skills. With its unique endeavor we had create opportunities for boys & girls in the fields of Automobile Mechanics i.e., 4-Wheeler Mechanic, 2- Wheelers Mechanic, Welding, Fitter, Electrician, Beauty Culture, Printing & Security Services.

As registered Vocational Training Provider under SDI scheme our training program will not limit its training only to the technical training but a total personality enhancement program which will make them compatible to face the world outside their periphery. The courses will give them a basis to identify suitable profession of their ability. The course environment will improve their perception not only of the employment but the market through its legal economical environment which will give them a basis for identification of market needs. Also the institute has been approached by many reputed companies for supply of the trained candidates for employment.

We aim to reach out to the underprivileged youth, girls and boys who are school dropout. It also aims to cater to tribal youth (14-20 years of age) of Gadchiroli district who otherwise are forced into naxalites activities.

Community Members

Bro. Devasia  Thottupuram – L.S & Director

Bro. Praveen Kumar Ch. – Bursar & Principal ITI

Bro. Maria Jayapaul – Juniorate In-charge

Bro. Sebastian Kavukat

Bro.T. Maneesh Reddy, Asst. Juniorate

Montfort Tech.Trg.Centre, Hostel & Montfort Threshold (Juniorate)
Ballarpur, Chandrapur Dt. Maharashtra – 442 701

Ph.No:07172-297605 (Off)

Fax: 07172-241888

E-mail: montfortitc@gmail.com

Website: www.montfortiti.com

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