Updates from Province

Montfort School ,Garratola


The Aim of the Institution

An over all development of the children through education and socially empowering. Education is not only academic excellence, but also formation of youth in discipline, hard work, moral and religious values and social responsibility. Since our area is surrounded by the tribals, scheduled castes and other backward communities, they are the most vulnerable sections in the society as they are deprived of their privileges. This is mainly because of the geographical location of the villages. The villages are either located interior to the main village or at the deep forest. Because they are away from the towns and cities, they are not exposed to the developing civilization of the area and people. Now we are aiming at bringing up these deprived people through education and awareness progamme. So that they can feel that they are also not behind any one else in the society.

Education to Tribals and Neglected

On 31-03-98 Sebastian K.M. landed up in Garratola village in the Balaghat district of Madhya Pradesh. After his brief stay in the parish, Bro. Sebastian decided stay in the Village in thatched shed. At the request from the people, Brother initiated to start a middle School for the Tribals who are economically backward. Sisters of Good shepherd were an instrument to speed up the process. Since there is a Govt. Primary School close by, Brothers, then decided to start Middle School. The pioneering work of the institution was not a bed of roses at all for the Brothers, Demarcation of land was necessary hurdles for the Brothers to start their mission at Garratola. Then, the auxiliary Bishop of Nagpur, Rt. Rev. Sylvester Montero offered 10 acres of church land for the purpose of running a formal and nonformal school for the tribals. We salute Brother Sebastian for his simplicity that won the hearts of villagers and of the local church authorities and Good Shepherd Sisters, who were already, started their services many years ago were ever cooperative to all his initiative.

Growth of the School

Montfort School Garratola began with a humble note in the year 1998-99 in thatched shed in the village with 13 students under the zealous and dedicated service of our two brothers. For one Year Brothers Conducted the School in the village, meanwhile we put up two Classrooms and a small Quarter for two brothers to serve the immediate purpose. Then Bro.Shajan Antony joined Bro.Sebastian to assist him in the school. During this time the school gained name and fame for it’s over all development in the short span of time. We also got necessary permissions to start the school till 8th from department due to tireless efforts of Brothers. The school is co-educational; the medium of instruction is Hindi. The classes grew up gradually every year so also the strength. Now our school has grown up to 12th class, serving over 350 students consisting of 6th to 12th class.

General background

The general aim of the province is to commit for the emancipation of the poor downtrodden and economically challenged people in order to build better communities based on justice, fellowship, brotherhood and equality in accordance with the value of the kingdom of God. Therefore all our activities are oriented towards this goal.

To achieve this primary goal we have educational institutions where the poor are given the opportunity to educate themselves in order to liberate themselves from the clutches of social evil and to work for a better society. Besides this for the rural children who do not have any opportunity to study in their villages are brought to places where educational facilities are available and are kept in the orphanages and boarding homes where they are given residential facilities and go to the schools. The brothers are involved in building communities in the rural villages helping the people to fight against the injustice meted out to them by the dominant class people and thereby they cans have a say in their lives. Brothers also work in the rural development programs in the villages.

Brief History of the School

The Archbishop Leobald requested the Brothers to run St. Anthony’s High School at Ajini. Nagpur when the Principal of the School suddenly expired. Then the province of Central India requested the province of Delhi to send a brother to take over the institution at the request of the Archbishop in 1997. In the same Year Archvishop requested the Brothers to start one school for the tribal Catholics. The land was offered in the farthest Mission Center called Garratola.

Montfort School Garratola was established in 1998 with the generous help of the Bishop of Nagpur and the timely support of the province of central India. This project is the gift of the province to tribls of Madhya Pradesh, on account of the golden Jubilee of the canonization of founder Montfort. Montfort School is located in a small village called Garratola in Balaghat Dist of Madhya Pradesh. Montfort School depicts our option for the poor. In concrete form providing good education to the poorest of the locality, particularly the tribals, Adivasis, dropout children and the Catholics who would not be able to go for their studies, It is a joyous privilege for Brothers to serve in this typed of society.

Admissions were given only to tribals, Catholics, and economically backward students. It is almost free education charging very nominal fee to support on third of the teacher’s salary Otherwise the province meets all the expenditure.

Boys Hostel:-

To facilitate the catholic students and poor tribals, who are far away to study in our school we have started a hostel in the year 2001, with 11 students. This year we have 105 students in the hostel,. Though there is more demand, we were unable to intake due to lack of proper facilities and accommodation. The school is utilized as study center for the inmates of the hostel and other needy students, as they do not have electricity at home.

Girls Hostel: –

To facilitate the catholic students and poor tribals, who are far away to study in our school the sisters also started a hostel for the girls consist of 40 students who are studying in Montfort School. They are looked after by the Sisters of Good Shepherd.

About the Target area

Garratola village is located in the border of Madhya Pradesh, in the remote area of the state. It is situated around 360 kilometers form Nagpur Diocesan headquarters. We are almost in the last village of our diocese. From Garratola our service is extended up to 15 villages around 3000 families with 18000 populations. Out of which nearly 1300 families are having mere thatched sheds with a limited facilities to stay together. The literacy percentage of the area is less than 15. Since the people of this area is under profound faith in belief, when they fall sick, they prefer to see the witchcraft rather than going to hospital.

» We are not only educating the students who come to our school but also give importance to the youth who are unable to study and cop in their lives.
» We are trying to educate maximum students through Ballarsha and Boy’s Town. 1st time 3 girls and 4 boys who passed 10th and motor mechanic in Ballarsha through NOS and they are going to be placed in some companies.
» Though we are not able to go to the villages to do much of social work, yet we are able to inspire and motivate them by organizing some tournaments every year. To build up this unity among the youth and to have more contact with them, this year we are planning to organize a Mini Montfort Cricket Tournament for the youth in whole of Garratola and Balaghat, which consists of 25-30 villages. I am sure it will be a great experience for the youth and the people around to know more about our Founder Montfort and our mission in Garratola.


» Our vision is to educate the uneducated who are not able to be educated.
» Show them the path to find themselves to stand on their own feet.
» Excellence in academic is our prime concern.
» Our vision is to see that every youth in and around us should be motivated to lead a good life with moral values. Through awareness programmes; (effect of eating Gudkha, smoking and drinking.)
» Service to the society specially the unemployed youth.


» Our mission is to give maximum importance to the poor children and Christians/Catholics with maximum concession in the school. So that they will be encouraged.
» To strive for efficiency and effectiveness of our staff and the management.
» To build up the image of our founder’s charism and to spread about our mission and the growth of our congregation.
» Build up the fraternal community in the midst of the tribals who are around us.
» To give maximum assistance to the domestic helpers family especially educating their children and providing them with moral and financial support in times of difficulties.

Community Members


Bro. David Indwar – L.S & Principal

Bro. Sanjeev Armo   – Bursar

Bro. Bala Kishore Reddy

Bro.Biddika Suresh

Montfort School, Garratola

Garratola P.O. Tahsil Baihar Balaghat Dt., M.P – 481 051

Tel: 07638-290003 (Sch) 07637-296013 (Cty)

E-mail: principalgarratola@yahoo.co.in

Website : http://www.montfortschoolgarratola.com/

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