Montfort Niliyam (SGTI)

Montfort Nilayam

Montfort Nilayam is a Home for the training and rehabilitation of Street Children. In 1990, Bro. Cyriac, inspired by the Charism of the Founder St. Louis Marie de Montfort, decided to work exclusively for the poor. He was pained to see a number of poor children roaming about in the streets, collecting waste materials for their livelihood. They were exposed to various diseases, harassment by Police and stray dogs. In 1990, Bro. Cyriac ventured into a social action, forgetting all odds to shelter rag pickers. A house was rented at Khairatabad, for some 10 boys. This grew into a larger family later with 40 children staying at Montfort Nilayam, undergoing academic and vocational training at different centres. These children were mostly collected from the Railway Stations and Bus Stations.

After moving from place to place for a period of 9 years, the shelter home came to settle down at St. Gabriel’s Training Institute, Ramanthapur in May 1999, when the Pre-Novitiate was transferred to Jabalpur. With a view to maintain the building and develop the property and also to make good use of the place as a centre for Social action programme, a new community was set up comprising of Bros. Jose Daniel, Cyriac, Suresh Reddy and Luke Louis.

Bro. Jose Daniel, a seasoned and resolute social activist for the past few years, was asked to settle down as Director at S.G.T.I. Social Action Centre. However, Bro. Jose Daniel left for Rome in 2000 for a Spirituality Course and Bro. Cyriac became the Director of S.G.T.I. – Montfort Nilayam.

The main objectives of Montfort Nilayam are as follows:

1. To give shelter to the rag pickers, who are in the age group of 8 to 18 years.
2. To take care of their health through nutrition support.
3. To build up awareness through counselling and guidance.
4. To provide them formal education.
5. To provide non-formal education to grown up boys, who have not attended any school in order to bring them to the main stream.
6. To provide them vocational training as a source of their livelihood.
7. To reintegrate them into their families.
8. Follow up services after their rehabilitation.

Regular moral instructions and guidance help their character formation and career selection. Due importance is also given for their physical exercise by organizing games and sports activities. So far 1000 children have been rehabilitated, after imparting vocational training to many of them. After their vocational training, many of them were helped to find employment. Some of them were helped by giving small loans to set up self employment units.

Community Members

Bro. C.A. James– L.S & JPIC Secretary

Bro. James Pasala– Bursar & Student

Bro. Joseph Kerketta – Student

Bro. Pranay M – Student

St. Gabriel’s Training Institute

Montfort Nilayam

Church Colony, Uppal Hyderabad – 500 039

Montfort Social Institute (See list of communities under National Council)

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