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Montfort Hr. Sec.School, Ballarpur



The process of starting Montfort School at Bamni was initiated by the provincial administration of central province headed by Bro. K.K Thomas as provincial. It was pioneered by Bro Celestine & Bro.Joy Padayatil in the year 1995-96. Bro C.A Thomas was the first correspondent for the year 1995. Bro Mathew K. Alexander was the founder principal. For the first one year brothers of the school were staying at Montfort I.T.I. In 1994 under the able guidance of Bro. Celestine fencing of the campus was completed. He also laid foundation stone for the new building. It was after one year, the work of the school building was taken up by Bro. Mathew Alexander. Bro. Mathew continued to head this institution till 2001 followed by Bro. G. Lourdu Reddy till 2007. At present we have Bro. Antony M.A. at helm of affairs.



“Enriching lives” by “Holistic education”.


» To make a better person and the world a better place.
» Provide ongoing formation to our teaching staff in newer teaching methodologies.
» Implant a sense of National integrity with innovative teaching, learning and living.
» Deepen the consciousness of ethical, moral and religious values.
» Create opportunities to bring out hidden talents and potentials.
» Instill an atmosphere of a home away home.
» Organize various personality development and enhancement programs.
» Being a guide and counselor on their way to maturity in age and wisdom.
» Promote dignity of labor and eco-friendliness in saving energy and natural resource.
» Celebrate various cultural uniqueness and richness of religious with great appreciation.
» Achieving excellence by awakening the latent talents and enabling the children to reach perfection.
» To get more focused on good quality by the management.

Brief History of the School & Community:

The process of starting Montfort School at Bamni was initiated by the Provincial administration of Central province headed by Bro.K.K.Thomas as Provincial. It was pioneered by Bro.Celestine and Bro.Joy Padayatil in the year 1994 ably supported by Bro.Davesia Thotupuram and Bro.Monson Kuriakose from Montfort I.T.I, Balharshah. The school was established officially in the year 1995-96.Bro.C.A.Thomas was the first correspondent for the year 1995.Bro.Mathew.K.Alexander was the founder Principal. For the first one-year brothers of the school were staying at Montfort I.T.I.

Community Members

Bro. Prem Kumar – L.S & Principal

Bro. Kishore Meravi   – Bursar

Bro. Jeromiyas- Warden

Bro. Anthony Reddy G.

Bro. Kuriakose Vadakkeparambil


Bamni Post,  Ballarpur
Chandrapur Dist: 442701 (M.S.)

Phone No. :- 07172- 230969

E-mail Id :- cbse_montfort@yahoo.com

Web site :-www.montfortcbseschool.in


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