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Montfort Bhavan, Hyderabad

Montfort Bhavan, Hyderabad, the Old Provincial House

The Provincial House is named Montfort Bhavan and it is located close to the Lakdikapul about 300 metres from the main road in the Red Hills area of Hyderabad City. Little Flower High School, Hyderabad, served till 1979, also as the Provincial House. The need for a separate Provincial Headquarters became increasingly felt and after much effort an existing, vacant house was purchased in November 1978, by the then Provincial Superior, Bro. Felix. Some small alterations were made in the existing old building for better working space and the residence of the members. In 1990, a modest three storeyed building was built at the eastern side, the ground floor and first floor having three living rooms each, while the 2nd floor is a small hall meant for meetings and gatherings, used also as a library. The first Provincial to occupy the house was Bro. Felix in 1979.

Montfort Bhavan, Old Provincial House
Montfort Bhavan

11-6-862, Red Hills Hyderabad – 500 004


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