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Boys & Town Industrial Training Institute, Hyderabad. 500 053A.P

        BOYS TOWN INSTITUTIONS (1995-2020)

Boys Town, Hyderabad is a unit of Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel Educational Society, India, managed by the Province of Hyderabad.  On the invitation of the Arch Bishop of Hyderabad, Rev. Mark Gopu, trusting in the Providence of God, 30 orphan children along with 3 brothers from All Saints High School, Gunfoundry, Hyderabad, marched towards the Old City of Hyderabad, to a remote place Jahanuma in 1955. This committed team of Brothers, Staff and Students toiled day and night to construct temporary sheds to impart Technical Training. Gradually an Orphanage was established. Subsequently, an Academic School for educating the local children and the Christian Children of Arch Diocese of Hyderabad.

With the motto “Service to Humanity is Service to God”, Boys Town started growing in strength. Boys Town has completed 61 years of dedicated service to children, youth and deferentially abled, irrespective of caste, creed and religion.  Boys Town stands a testimony to the yeoman service done by the Montfort Brothers for the uplift and empower the citizens of our Country.



Boys Town has grown over the years as a premier Institution offering several skill training programmes  for youth, both normal and differently challenged.  Today Boys  Town  group of Institutions in the campus are:

1.     Industrial Training Institute

2.    Manufacturing and other retail services

3.    Academic School, (State Syllabus)

4.    Academic School , (CBSE Board)

5.    Boarding and Lodging for  400 youth

6.    Integrated Skill Training for Adult Deaf.

7.  Women Training Centre.

Industrial Training Institute:

The Industrial Training Institute is permanently affiliated to the National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT), and admits youth who are eligible and dropouts  for Vocational skill Training.  The training is offered with a philosophy of care and dedication. The trainees are prepared for All India Trade Test with a prescribed curriculum approved by DGET, New Delhi. All the skills are imparted through on job training.

The courses offered are:

a.    Machinist
b.    Machinist Grinder
c.    Turner
d.    Fitter
e.    Electrician
f.    R & AC Mechanic
g.    ICTSM
h.    Welder
i.    Carpenter
j.    Litho Offset Machine Minder
k.   Computer Operator and Programming Assistant.
l.    Cutting & Sewing


Every academic year, 300 youth gets on job  training, and 100 women from the local community get trained in various employable skills like fashion designing, beautician, spoken English etc, are employed or self employed with industries in India and abroad. We have distinguished ourselves by securing 100% placement through Campus Recruitment for the last 6 decades through our external efficiency and professionalism.

Training for School Dropouts:

Our Non-Formal or Informal Vocational Skill Training is well appreciated by Industries in and around Hyderabad. Boys Town also admits early schools drop-outs and those do not have the required minimum qualification for multi- skill training, and provide 100% placement.

Training for Hearing Impaired Adults: (TCAD)

Integrated Training Centre for the Hearing Impaired Youth which began in 2003, is another milestone in the history of Boys Town.  A total of 100 Adult Deaf are admitted through a common counseling with the support of Government of India, under the banner of Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. To have a healthy and efficient in interaction, all the staff and trainees are equipped with Indian Sign Language (ISL). This pioneering initiative has given confidence and belief in the deaf community to become employable. All the deaf youth are employed in Public Sector and Private Sector in various field. This is the largest inclusive Vocational Skill Training for the Deaf in south East Asia.

Hearing Impaired


The Institute has achieved the rare distinction of Financial Sustainability within a few years after it was established in 1955. Boys Town is able to meet its own huge financial requirements from internally generated resources through production-cum-training. Receiving no  grant-in-aid or aid from any external sources, we are able to achieve this financial viability through collaborations with Government Departments,  Corporate bodies, NGO’s and Institutions by supplying them  quality products on a No loss – no Profit  scheme .   This concept and practice is a paradigmatic and unique contribution we made in our chosen field. This unique method creates an atmosphere of confidence, self-help culture among the employees, staff and students. We are proud of this unique distinction which makes Boys Town different from other Institutions. Some of our proud collaborators are BHEL, HAL, LML, Gemini Engineers, and hundreds of the small scale industries, State Government Colleges, Board of Intermediate Education, State Board of Technical Examination, Universities like Osmania University, Central University, Agricultural Universities and other concerns of the Government of Telangana & Andhra Pradesh.

Skilling the Nation:

In the context of quality in skilling the youth, Boys Town stands as the best Industrial Training Institute in the states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh and as one of the best ITI in the country. The same was acknowledged by the Department of Employment and Training, Confederation of Indian Industry and other private associations like SKIP Bangalore, FVTRS & International Labour Organization.

Partnership and Collaboration:

Our success in empowering the youth depends on the numerous partners and collaborators who support us by employing our students after the completion of their training.  Boys Town has signed  MoU’s  with various  stake holders for  placements like Mahindra  & Mahindra Limited,  TATA, Lokesh Machines Limited,  Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited, DRDL, L & T, Hyderabad Metro Rail etc.

Delegates from US Consulate  on 8th March 2016


Boys Home:

Boys Home is the soul and the centre of activity in Boys Town. With the philosophy, “He is not Heavy, He is my Brother” . Every inmate becomes an agent of support and motivation for hostel boys irrespective of each ones shortcomings.  It is really a “Home away from Home”.  Four full time wardens attend to the needs of the children with utmost love and care.  A well planned time table and strict discipline is the hall mark of constructive activity.  A self – leadership and team spirit ensures a healthy atmosphere.  A total of 400 youth at any given time resides in the Boys Home


Boys Town community for the year 2016-2017 is a committed team of Brothers working for the overall development  of the Institution day in  and out.  They are Bro. C.A. Thomas,  Bro. Francis Bro. Show Reddy, Bro. Monty, Bro. V.C Kurian,  Bro George Pralel (Bro. Uncle) and Bro. Praveen.


Staff ITI:

The Committed team of Boys Town ITI  staff  are the back bone of the self sustainability  and self  financing the whole program  of the institution  over the  last   61 years.  They are “par- excellence”.

New Initiative:

To cope up with the  Governments plan to implement Solar Power Generation, Boys Town is executing  Rood Top   Solar Power Generation  (off Grid) up to 100 KW for the use of the whole campus, which would reduce to 80%  Electricity usage from SPDCTL.  Boys Town is only the ITI in Telangana and for the whole congregation of Montfort  Brothers  to go for Green and Clean Energy Generation.



Boys Town manufacturing and  Production Centre,  which is  a successful model in the country for its  sufficiency  to cater  400 economically background youth who are given  free boarding, lodging  and Vocational Skills Training.

Our major  products  are Steel and Wooden Furniture, Machined Components and  Printing & Stationery.

Community Members

Bro.Yesu Prabaharan – Director & Principal CBSE

Bro. Edward Raj  – Bursar & Vice Principal CBSE

                     Bro. Show Reddy G.– Principal SSC

Bro. Arun S.T. – Principal Boyw Town ITI

Bro. Bala Showry, Project Director-Red Hills 

                    Bro. Antony. M.A

Bro.David Kujur

Bro. Kurian V.C. 

Bro. Francis M.M.

Community Address

St. Mark’s Boys’ Town High School & Industrial Training Centre

                     Jahanuma, Hyderabad-500 053, T.S.

Tel.No.: 040-24464511, 24464512, 24464513, 040-24470685, 24470686, 24476789

Fax: 040-24463720

Email: boystownhyd@gmail.com

Website: www.boystownhyd.com


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